Young Children (2+)
Wee Dance & Creative Movement
Fitted dance clothes, such as leotards and tights (footless) of any color, or other garments that allow for easy movement, such as shorts and t-shirts. Children in these levels dance barefoot. Please avoid skirts, as they can get in the way of some movements.
It is imperative for neuromuscular learning that young children dance in bare feet. If part of what brings your child joy about coming to dance class is wearing adorable slippers, please make wearing their special shoes on the way to dance class part of your family's ritual of preparation.

Looking for ideas for what your child should to wear to class? Click here to go directly to a list of recommended dancewear for young children on Discount Dance.
If purchasing from Discount Dance, please use UIYB's teacher code TP42039 to support the school. This helps by providing account credit when it comes time for the school to purchase costumes for performances.
Elementary (6+)
Elementary Dress Code 2024/2025
All dancers must have long hair pulled back from the face, and ballet students must wear hair in a bun or a similarly secure style. No excess jewelry is allowed in Youth Ballet classes.
The program cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items, so stow valuables with care before class.
Youth (Levels 3-5)
All dancers must have long hair pulled back from the face, and ballet students must wear hair in a bun or a similarly secure style. No excess jewelry is allowed in Youth Ballet classes.
The program cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items, so stow valuables with care before class.
Adult dance students don't have to wear a uniform, but we do provide guidance.
For dancing classes to go best, please remember to wear clothes that are comfortable for movement, form-fitting to the extent to which you are comfortable, and refrain from fragranced products. Avoiding fabric softeners helps prevent dangerous slick spots from forming where dancers sit or lie on the floor to warm up.
Jewelry can be dangerous in movement classes, and should come off whenever possible. Please remember that the program cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items, so stow valuables with care before class.

Looking for ideas for what to wear to class? Click here to go directly to a list of recommended dancewear for adult students on Discount Dance.
If purchasing from Discount Dance, please use UIYB's teacher code TP42039 to support the school. This helps by providing account credit when it comes time for the school to purchase costumes for performances.
Youth Ballet Pointe Shoe Guidance
For new students being advanced to pointework, your instructors have asked that you read these documents carefully. They will not replace conversations with your teachers but they have important information to set you up for success. Please work through these materials and don't hesitate to ask questions.
A guide to buying your first pair of pointe shoes (updated Sept 22, 2022)